This ActivityPub relay is intended to share Federated timelines, and therefore user searchability and hashtags, between public ActivityPub instances (such as Mastodon) with an emphasis on Amateur Radio, and/or personal ActivityPub instances owned by individuals with an interest in Amateur Radio. If you believe your instance qualifies and you wish to join, please contact one of us for approval:
Assuming we "verbally" approve your request, follow these steps:
- On the Adding instance, on the Administration -> Relays page, delete any and all existing references to
- As of 2022-12-04, we've replaced the software and deleted the old database. Any follows from before this date are invalid and will only confuse the software.
- On the Administration -> Relays page, Add New Relay:
- It will list
Status: Waiting for relay's approval
- Notify us (either Kristoff or Smitty above), and we will login to the relay and approve your subscription request in the relay.
- Once we notify you that we've approved it, on the Administration -> Relays page, verify that the relay is now
Status: Enabled